
After a diagnosis of Breast Cancer often there are many questions that need to be asked and addressed. 

These questions can be grouped in the following categories:

Staging Further Diagnostic Investigations

While you may have already had a 
in many situations, more information is required. So during your initial consultation, any further tests will be discussed. These tests may involve surgery and include:
The results of these tests will assist in planning the appropriate management for your breast cancer.

Cancer Counselling

Counselling can assist you at any stage of your journey, from diagnosis through to living with or having survived cancer. 

Living with a cancer diagnosis is rarely easy. Feelings of stressed, anxiety, being overwhelmed or just not like your usual self. Sometimes talking things through with your loved ones isn’t enough.

We arrange Cancer Counselling services that offer patients an opportunity to talk with nurse counsellors and psychologists who can help you with cancer-related challenges.

What Is Cancer Counselling?

They are services designed to specifically help cancer sufferers on their journey. They are staffed by nurse counsellors and registered psychologists, all with training and experience in helping people affected by cancer.

What Services Are Available?

Because we realise people’s support needs vary, we provide counselling within a stepped model of care. This means, where possible, we start with guided self-help delivered by our nurse counsellors.

Our service is provided via 
  • Telephone and Skype, 
  • Face-to-face of Appointments

Nurse Counsellor Service

Our nurse counsellors provide guided self-help, in the form of a single telephone session and a follow-up contact. They offer guidance and tips on:
  • Coping with the effects of cancer,
  • Adjusting to life with or after cancer,
  • Making decisions related to treatment and 
  • Addressing treatment concerns.
Where guided self-help does not address your concerns, we can arrange a clinical psychologist.

Psychology Service

Those experiencing high levels of distress can seek direct access to a Breast Cancer Psychologist. 

This can involve more intensive support in the form of therapy which involves a number of one-on-one counselling sessions.

Group Programs and Workshops

Group programs are conducted over the telephone as well as face-to-face. These programs will enable you to learn new skills in assisting you to cope with cancer and its related challenges. 

Workshops, focusing on specific coping skills, such as relaxation and mindfulness, are usually delivered face-to-face in locations around the state.

What Topics Are Covered By Breast Cancer Counselling?

Counselling can assist with a range of cancer concerns including:
  • Adjusting to life with cancer
  • Stress and difficulty coping
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Loss
  • Family or relationship problems
  • Treatment side-effects
  • Sexual problems
  • Uncertainty about the future
  • Survivorship
  • Fear of recurrence
  • Therapy-related to end of life
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