Why Breast Imaging Victoria?

Breast Assessment Services

Breast Imaging Victoria provides dedicated breast care in a nurturing environment, with a warm and friendly multidisciplinary team.

Our specifically designed Breast Assessment imaging service aims to provide a full diagnostic assessment for patients including:
We also use previous images to include a comparison report, so patients and referring doctors are aware if any changes are occurring in the breast.

Our Patient Care Approach

The patient’s peace of mind and wellbeing is our priority and we aim to develop strong relationships with our patients and our referring doctors.

Our aim is to provide high-quality imaging services specifically for the diagnosis and management of breast problems and to do so in a supporting and empathetic environment.

In our specially designed breast imaging department, we provide a caring and nurturing environment, ensuring high standards are delivered in a comfortable setting.

When a patient attends for an appointment, they are each given the appropriate time and support from our team.

Urgent Breast Assessment

We provide urgent appointments for patients to be seen immediately, with a 24-hour turnaround of results to help reduce the anxiety associated with waiting.

About Breast Imaging Victoria

We are an accredited radiology practice providing a specialised breast imaging service.

We have radiologists on site to help explain any procedures or to discuss results with referring doctors and patients. 

Our team include a number of specially trained professionals delivering a personalised model of care with results delivered to referring doctors in an efficient manner.

Our mammogram and ultrasound technicians work closely with the Radiologist on the day of your examination to ensure a full collaborative assessment is completed. 

Biopsy services are available should your referring doctor feel further testing is required, and our Radiologists are happy to communicate with the patient and doctor to deliver the best-suited biopsy.

Breast Imaging Victoria’s Location

Breast Imaging Victoria is a specialised diagnostic imaging clinic located in the Central Melbourne at Level 4/21 Victoria Street, Melbourne, 3000.

Support from Our Team

Breast Imaging Victoria provides dedicated breast care in a nurturing environment with a warm and friendly multidisciplinary team.

We always aim to have a patient support team member on the day to direct you through your appointments, make you feel at ease and to answer any questions that you may have. 

Be Breast Aware. Contact us to make an appointment for breast imaging.
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